
Tech-driven Solutions, Data-driven Impact

Digital Transformation Simplified

blogging learning newsletters

A fortnightly edition

- By Team Datakue


Learn what digital transformation is all about, before talking to tech companies about it

3-4 minutes read, simple English

Published on

13 February, 2023

Become a Digitally Transformed business unit

Knowledge series towards technological upgradation of an MSME & small business.

Digital Revolution – The Most Interesting Part​

  • We saw difference between the terms digitization and digitalization with an example in the previous email. We also mentioned it’s a 3-step process in the earlier email. Before continuing, let’s reiterate the 3-step process.
  • 1. Digitization
  • 2. Digitalization
  • 3. Digital Transformation

Digital transformation will actually be achieved when your entire business is automated. Can it happen? Yes!

Let’s see how.

It’s a common knowledge to all business owners that there are 3 cores areas of business at a broader level. They are,

  • 1. Sales & Marketing
  • 2. Operations
  • 3. HR & Finance
  • Digital transformation is a 360-degree automation of your business activities, processes, productivity, capabilities, etc. using digital technologies and be “on the go, on-demand”. This transformation must be redesigned, rethought and restructured to get maximum mileage out of the technology.
  • Digital Transformation by itself is a strategy for business growth acceleration. When you are at the first level with 3 core areas, it is easier to automate and thus become 100% digital. This eliminates many business challenges and empowers the business owner with intelligent insights about his own business at his fingertips 24×7.
  • Additionally, the business becomes process dependent instead of people dependent. Hence startups that adopt 100% digitalization, grows at a supersonic pace.
  • Furthermore, the business owner is left with more time, no mundane tasks to address manually and thus focus on business expansion, acquiring new customers, entering new markets, innovating new products, etc. This is what Steve Jobs did, which many failed to see or understand.
  • Hence, we stand by our word.

An SME can become 100% digital!

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