Refund Policy
If for any reason, you wish to obtain a refund for your purchase with us here are the following terms applicable. All our communication will be via email only.
Updated: January 31, 2025
1. Cancel the order: Send an email to connect@datakue.com with your order no. to initiate the cancellation process. You will get a reply regarding the cancellation status.
2. Timeline for cancellation: Identify which timeline your purchase comes under as there are three categories.
A. General Timeline: The time limit to cancel any paid order is within 21 days from the date of invoice. The time limit to claim a refund is within 30 days of cancellation status response.
B. 30-days Money Back Promise: A product or service purchased under 30-day money back promise must be prompted with your email before the 30-days expiry. By sending email within the time limit, we will reverse the charges subject to processing fee deductions from the banker’s end.
C. Subscription cancellation: You can cancel your subscription service with us anytime to stop further charges. A refund for unused portions of an ongoing subscription period is not applicable.
3. Refund request: After you receive confirmation of cancellation, you may claim a refund request by replying to the same email without deleting the communication thread.
4. Eligibility for refund request: There are 2 factors that are very important. The first being within the timeline limit and the second being cancellation confirmation status details.
5. Review & decision: Every request will be reviewed by the customer care team with instructions on what to be processed for a refund or not based on additional criteria such as usage, damage (all intangibles), etc.
6. Refund approval: If your refund is approved, you will be notified with the amount and requested to share bank account details. You will receive your refund within 30 days of receipt of your response.
7. Exceptional Refunds: We understand that mistakes happen. Refunds may be considered on a case-by-case basis for:
A. Double Billing: If you’ve been accidentally charged twice for the same service
B. Accidental Purchases: Refunds may apply if the request is made promptly within the time limit along with non-usage
C. Technical Failures: If the service was non-functional due to issues on our side
8. Non-Refundable Items: We cannot process certain refunds that are listed below.
A. Domain name registrations, SSL certificates, or cloud services
B. Customization requests and one-time setup fees
C. Services or products that have been misused or modified without approval
9. Note: We will not ask for your bank account user ID or password in any of our communication. We strictly use email for communication and never use any other mode including phone calls, SMS, WhatsApp texts, public posters, etc. for requesting your account credentials.